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What do I love about: the 12 week year guide?
Hands down the most practical book I have read on goal setting and execution.
What do I not love about: the 12 week year guide?
I think it was hard for me personally because I bought the e-book. I recommend readers buy the hard copy.
Who should read: the 12 week year guide?
Are you looking for practical step by step guide to set and execute on your goals? Then look no further.
Who should not read: the 12 week year guide?
If you have read a ton of self help books you may find that this read provides no new value to you.
Notes from the 12 week year guide
- The 12 week year is laid upon a foundation of 3 principles that ultimately determine an individual’s effectiveness and success. These 3 principles are accountability, commitment and greatness in the moment.
- The 12 week execution system involves: Vision, planning, process control, score keeping.
- You will have to stress yourself and when you stretch, you encounter resistance. Your old habits, thoughts and systems will all push you back.
- A success tip is to create a big vision. The larger your vision, the greater your results will be-big thinking always precedes big achievements. A big vision will call on you to deliver your very best. A big vision will give you permission to become more of what you are capable of.
- Let us be a great at a few things versus mediocre at many.
- Keeping commitments with others builds relationships. Keeping commitments with yourself builds integrity and self-respect.
- The quality of a person’s life is indirect proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.
- Individuals tend to give themselves huge passes if they fall short on their execution because they tend to judge themselves on their intentions. Peers, however cannot see your intentions. Since they do not know your intentions, all they can evaluate are your results.
- Measurements drive execution.
- Strategic blocks: are 3 hour blocks of time scheduled at least once a week. To be effective, strategic blocks should be conducted in one 3 hour block free from interruptions such as making or answering phone calls, answering knocks on the door or responding to emails.
- If you are not in control of your time, then you are not in control of your results.
- If you want things you do not currently have, you will have to do things you are not currently doing.
- Henry Ford said, “If you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right!”.
- Rather than seek life balance, I recommend that you strive for intentional imbalance. There will be times in life- seasons if you will- when you decide to spend more time in one area over another.
- Thomas Edison said if we only did what we are capable of doing, we would astound ourselves. Stop waiting to be great and start acting.
3 common vision pitfalls
- Not taking the power of your vision seriously
- Not making your vision meaningful to you
- Making your vision too small
5 criteria to apply when constructing your goals
Criteria 1: Make your goal specific and measurable
Criteria 2: State each goal positively
Criteria 3: Ensure that each goal is a realistic stretch for you
Criteria 4: Include accountability
Criteria 5: Be time bound